A Post Covid Visit!

Photograph: looking up through the brilliant red leaves of a Japanese maple against a clear blue sky.We were very happy in Richmond to enjoy the visit of Madani Sissoko in early October, coinciding with the commemoration of Gabriel’s rebellion against slavery in favor of freedom. Nous étions fort heureux de recevoir notre ami ‘Kida’ Sissoko début octobre en visite à Richmond, coïncidant avec la commémoration de la rébellion de Gabriel contre l’esclavage en faveur de la liberté.


Madani Sissoko (center) en réunion avec Alain Levenberg (à gauche, Trésorier des Amis du Mali en Virginie et Phil Wilayto, Editeur du journal The Virginia Defender. Richmond, Octobre 2022
Madani (center) meeting with VFoM treasurer Alan Levenberg (left) and Phil Wilayto, editor of the newspaper The Virginia Defender.

After Richmond, Madani traveled to Kentucky to meet our partners in Malian and Segovian support, SuppliesOverSeas.org.

The famous British writer Oscar Wilde was at a party, standing alone.
His hostess came and asked him: “Mr Wilde, are you enjoying yourself?”
“Yes I am,” he replied: “There is nothing else here to enjoy.”

But there is plenty to enjoy in Richmond, as well as in Ségou!
Best wishes to everyone! Mais il y a de quoi s’amuser à Richmond comme à Ségou ! Meilleurs voeux à tous!

— Virginia Friends of Mali and the Richmond Chiwara team



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